Get this folks!!! I went on my first ever vacation last week not to mention my honeymoon. I got a full five days paid for plus a four day weekend (that's just how my schedule work(s)ed out. I got a call monday afternoon while i was still on my honeymoon, coming back actually from florida, from work telling me that I had to be in early teusday. I was like what the heck! My regular start time is 4pm and they wanted me to come in at noon instead. Not a big deal but here's the problem: the reason they wanted me to come in early on the day I would have gotten back anyway is that my site super scheduled a mandatory supervisor emergency training for that particular day. He did the schedule WHILE I WAS ON MY HONEYMOON assuming that he could tell me to come back early. We drove to florida mind you and spent the night on the way down and back in a hotel and it would not have been physically possible to be there as we were getting quite late monday night, or should i say around midnight teusday morning. We hadnt slept much on the way back, maybe four or five hours each. Being out of town is one thing but being called in early while on my HONEYMOON is asinine. No, I'm sorry, ASININE is telling me that if I don't come in early that I'll be written up. So I'm loaded for bull when I go in yesterday afternoon not really knowing what to expect and trying to keep things from going through my head and out of my mouth that will get me fired. I get there and find out that the site super who caused this whole problem because he's a moron and can't rectify his own scheduling conflicts has had a family emergency. His 87 year old father needed to be moved from Henry Ford Hospital to U of M Hospital at the last minute. My afternoon super was called in early thereby getting me off the hook and keeping me out of "trouble". I guess that's God's way of telling my boss to screw off and letting me keep my job so I don't have to open my big mouth and get myself fired or so worked up that I quit.
I just have one question about this whole thing: If someone has paid and scheduled time off how do they get in trouble for having paid and scheduled time off.
Murphy's Lay: everyone rises to their highest level of incompetence...and remains there. In other words, the more incompetent you are, the higher up you go. Now, if one were to apply that to politicians where we all know that good ones surround themselves with people that make them look good, what's that tell you about the president, presidents cabinet, and the government in general? They are ALL incompetent IDIOTS!!!
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