Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Day Back From the Holiday

Ok, So it was my first day back from the holiday which was a four day weekend for me. I get into work and my super tells me that he got another emial from the shipping department telling him that I did something wrong agian. I was thinking this had to be some sort of joke. I hadn't been there for four days. There was a new driver that came in and didn't quite know how things worked and asked me what he was supposed to do. I told him to drive around back, park his truck and trailor, and wait till morning. I even drew him a map of where to park. He went back and was still quite lost and shipping got pissed. It never occured to them that all they had to do was tell the guy hey, no problem, just park over there and wait until morning and we'll come get you when we're ready. That's all it takes. Instead, shipping told the midnight super, she told the site super who in turn sent my super an email, who then in turn told me. Is this some sort of bad joke? Isn't this the kind of thing that people write comic strips about or make sit-coms out of? Hmm, that is not a bad idea.

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